Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thing #15

Library 2.0 - I am just catching up with the world on this term and my son tells me that it is old terminology - after reading all of the links and perspectives on this section I can see that 2.0 is old news... this technological world moves f a s t - and I am way behind!
There were a few quotes that I liked - such as the one from the iceberg article suggesting that libraries are insufficiently staffed for teaching - If we have 700 students and 100 faculty members our patron to librarian ratio is about 800 to 1 - no wonder I feel overwhelmed -
I loved the idea of putting buttons on our computers to make using many of these tools easier for patrons - I am wondering how students can set up accounts without email addresses...
I am looking forward to exploring the next things... wikis, rollyo - I am wondering about ATOM - I see it mentioned with RSS often....


Grendel said...

I have completed 23 Things, but I am still learning and exploring. I am trying to perfect my wiki experience. Some people just sail through it, and others, like me, struggle but finally get it. There is a LOT to learn, isn't there?!

NDbound said...

So, now that you have done these "things" do you find that you are using these tools - we need a wiki just to share ideas between those of us that continue to struggle and explore!

Grendel said...

I am still having some trouble with wikis. I have made one for Great Depression research and for Holocaust Studies, but they look pretty ragged still.After reading some other bloggers' posts, I think wikis must just be my own personal Waterloo. Several people haven't had any trouble at all. I will keep after it! :)

Terry said...

I have no trouble creating a wiki. I just can't get anyone to collaborate on it with me! So, the whole point is lost. I like the idea of creating a wiki for us to share ideas. Maybe a different page for each "thing" or type of thing (Image Generators) and then everyone can add their ideas or successes or near successes (much better term than disasters:))